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Onderstaande artikelen kun je rechtstreeks bestellen bij de kunstenaar en veilig via exto afrekenen.
* De levertijd van de werken is < 1 week
* Het werk kan binnen veertien werkdagen retour gestuurd worden
* Betaling mogelijk via overschrijving of iDeal
* Prijzen zijn incl. verzendkosten binnen Nederland
(klik op de afbeelding om het werk groter te bekijken)
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Closed 1

Closed 2

Closed 3

Force 1

Force 2

Force 3

Force 4

Force 5

Force 6
In bruin houten baklijst

Innerworld 4

Inner world 5

Innerworld 6

Look up 1

Look up 2

Look up 3

Into the dark 1

Into the dark 2

Into the dark 3

Lost in space 7

Lost in Space 8

Lost in Space 9

Memory 1

Memory 2
Fine art print op alumunium in bruine baklijst. Gesigneerd met certificaat.

Spirit 1

Spirit 2

Spirit 3
Fine art print op aluminium. Gesigneerd met certificaat. Oplage van 10

Spirit 4

Summer 1
| Fine art print (signed) in wooden frame with museum glass

Summer 2

Twilight 1

Twilight 2

Twilight 3

Facade I

Facade II

Facade III

Facade IV

Facade V


Secrecy I

Swimmingpool 1

Swimmingpool 2

Alley 1

Alley 2

Delayed darkness 1

Delayed darkness 2
Fine art print in houten baklijstje met museumglas. Gesigneerd met certificaat. Oplage van 10

No limit

Evening 1

Evening 2

Evening 3

Evening 4

Timeless 1

Timeless 2

T.w.o meet 1

T.w.o meet 2

T.w.o meet 3

Untouchable 1

Untouchable 2

Untouchable 3

Veiled 1

Veiled 2

Veiled 3

Veiled 4

Veiled 5

Veiled 6

Veiled 7
Award winning photo in 2022

Veiled 8

Entrance 1

Entrance 2

Entrance 4

Hotelroom 4

Hotelroom 5

Hotelroom 6

Hotelroom 7

Inner world 1

Inner world 2

Inner world 3

Lost in space 1

Lost in space 2

Lost in space 3

Lost in space 4

Lost in space 5

Still 1
Fine art print (Hahnemuehle) in zwart houten baklijstje met museumglas.

Still 2

Still 3

Still 4

Cadillac 1

Cadillac 2

Cadillac 3

Excluded 1

Excluded 2

Excluded 3

Follow 1

Follow 2

Follow 4

Misty Trees 1

Misty Trees 2

Chevrolet 1

Chevrolet 2

Chevrolet 3

Chevrolet 4

Secret 1

Secret 2

Secret 3

Secret 4

Secret 5

Hotelroom 1

Hotelroom 2

Hotelroom 3

T.w.o wait

Back in time
In wooden blanc frame

Behind daylight 6
Foto op fine art papier (Canson). Gesigneerd met certificaat. Oplage van 10 in diverse afmetingen. Inlijsten op verzoek


(Dis)appeared I
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared II
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared III
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared IV
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared IX
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared V
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared VI
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared VII
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglassPrint on fine art paper

(Dis)appeared VIII
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared X
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared XI
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

(Dis)appeared XII
Print on fine art paper (Hahnemuehle Torchon) with 3 cm. white border, in brown frame (Nielsen Alpha) with museumglass

Force 7
Foto op fine art papier. Gesigneerd. Oplage van 10 in diverse afmetingen. Inlijsten op verzoek.

Going nowhere

In time

Just an illusion

In blanc wooden frame (box)



China girl

Elevation 6
Geselecteerd voor de architectuur Biennale 2023, Venetië

Elusive 1

Elusive 2

Feeling blue

Fotoprint op aluminium met beschermfolie. Gesigneerd met certificaat.


PastPresent 2

PastPresent 5

Past Present 6

The philosopher


Behind daylight 1

Behind daylight 2

Behind daylight 3
Fotoprint op aluminium met beschermfolie. Gesigneerd met certificaat.

Behind daylight 4
Foto op Fine art papier (Canson). Gesigneerd. Oplage van 10 in diverse afmetingen.

Behind daylight 5

Escape 1

Escape 2

Escape 3

Escape 4

Escape 5


It' s only me

"Waterfall of words"

A glance 1
In bruin houten baklijstje

A glance 2
In bruin houten baklijstje

Elevation 1
Geselecteerd door the European Cultural Centre voor de architectuur Biennale 2023, Venetië

Elevation 2
Geselecteerd door the European Cultural Centre voor de architectuur Biennale in Venetie, 2023

Elevation 3
Edition 2/10
Printed on fine art paper (Canson) and signed. In wooden frame with Ar. glass. (no reflections)
Elevation depicts man who feels alienated from the earthly world, lifted to a higher level. Spiritually, but also practical in the case of building in the future.

Elevation 4
Geselecteerd door the European Cultural Centre voor de architectuur Biennale 2023, Venetië

Elevation 5
Geselecteerd door the European Cultural Centre voor de architectuur Biennale 2023, Venetië

Framed 1
In wooden blanc frame (box)

Framed 2
In wooden frame (box)
niet te koop

(home) no home 1

(home) no home 2

(home) no home 3

(home) no home 4

(home) no home 5


You and Me 1

You and Me 2

You and Me 3

You and Me 4

You and Me 5


Mind 3
In wooden frame (box)

Past Present 1

Follow 3

The wall 1